Chocolate the Bear

Friday after VBS I decided to take the kids to Costco for lunch (where else can you feed 4 people for $7?). The kids quickly spotted this gigantic stuffed Bear (after we ate and decided to meander through the store in search of dessert  ~ aka some sort of sweet sample). Price tag was $30 and I convinced Browder that I was NOT buying this huge bear, and he quickly asked if we could come back to Costco later so he could get his own money and pay for it. I agreed, and Friday evening we did indeed go back to Costco and purchased “the Bear” now known as Chocolate. Do you see the pure joy on all 3 faces?? While Browder paid for the bear, he had to agree to share it with the other 2, as our summer home just isn’t big enough for 3 of these! LOVE the big feet!!

Among the sampling at Costco were these ~ YUMMY! You pop them in the oven or toaster oven for 2-3 minutes and SERVE! No syrup is even needed! My kids love pancakes and frozen waffles and I HATE SYRUP!! Perfect solution!

Jeff brought these (below) home the other day. We had our “walk through” tonight at the new house and we close tomorrow at 2. We will be homeowners again (YIKES) and frankly I am overwhelmed, to say the least. A) If we want to paint anything before we move in, then I need to pick out paint colors in the next day or two. B) What to paint? Mallory’s room and the boys room for sure (which is now PINK). THEN I got on Pinterest and decided that I needed to paint our future office/sewing room a fun color. I’m torn between painting it a fun color, or going with good ole WHITE and letting my fabric and thread (and other things in my head) accessorize. We are also planning to replace all of the cabinets in the entire house, but that is another stress in itself and furthermore, I’ve been told that ain’t happening anytime soon! Furniture arrangement, what goes where, what to do with the mystery room by the kitchen, etc. My head is spinning, and that’s why it’s 11:02 and I’m blogging.

Back to Chocolate, this was the scene Friday night and I could barely take this picture I was laughing so hard! Where is G? you might ask. G is on the floor on a sleeping bag. Chocolate appears to be snoring and is 6 times as big as Browder! Other than the few squabbles because the little ones were slobbering a little on Chocolate, this bear has been highly entertaining and well worth the 30 bucks (out of Browder’s pocket)!!

Have a great week! I have 4 cute new AC designs to sample and will try to get them done first thing in the morning!


  1. Thanks for sharing parts of your life with us! This story is wonderful! Good luck with your house. Hope you all have a great week too!

  2. Love Chocolate! So cute and I’m sure you welcome any “free” entertainment. And I ill be looking for those waffles! Thanks, can’t wait to see the new designs!

  3. Love eating at Costco or Sams for that matter. I have done it many a times. I sometimes can let the “sampling” feed them too! I broke down and bought the “Mater” pillow. Much smaller but well worth the money – my 3 yr old LOVES Mater. If they had the “big chocolate bear”, he would have been wanting it. What a good mom to let your child purchase it. Thanks for sharing your life w/us!

  4. I love the sleeping BEAR and kid picture! Cracks me up!

  5. I just have to say that my husband had a similar conversation with our son about that big bear…it is too funny. We did not come home with it but I am glad to see that others enjoy huge stuffed animals also. 🙂

  6. How cute are these kids…and what an adorable bear! So glad to see a Mom who enjoys her kids so much…your blog is a joy! The sleeping picture is too much…make sure you save it and share it with him when he is older. It will make a great memory!

  7. Love the 1st picture – I’m sure Chocolate was glad to come home with you guys!!

    I think you should paint your sewing room a light orange or green!!

  8. I was just at Costco yesterday and laughed at that bear beccause my 24 and 18 yrs old daughters wanted to get it. There’s a kid in us all! It is so comforting to read when someone else has a bad day at the machine, because I had one like that this week. I’ve decided that just when you think you can leave the room for a minute, — you can’t! I don’t have a PR650 (yet) but I was getting so frustrated that I couldn’t get my machine to accept the wording “gone fishin'”. So after an hour away from the machine, in the middle of my work out, it dawned on me that I was trying to sew too long of words that the machine wouldn’t accept. Go figure. Well, good luck on your move and congratulations on the house. Love all your designs!!!

  9. Hi
    We are the manufacture of the COSTCO 53” bears. We saw a beautiful picture of your children with the Costco bear on your blog. May we have your permission to post this picture on our facebook page? Here is our company website: for your reference. Thank you for loving our bears. We are so proud to see your children enjoying our bear so much

    Please join us at:

  10. how has the bears spent its days?