Yesterday I had to monogram a HUGE cooler bag for a friend. For the first time ever, I see why a real 6 needle machine stand comes in handy! The bulky bag was too much and too wide and too stiff to go in between the machine sitting on a table. Solution: I need the machine to straddle on 2 tables so there is space underneath. I don’t recommend this and we moved it back to the table right after I did the bag, but it worked!
As you can see the excess of the bag is hanging in between the 2 tables. It was a wide bag, and very stiff. Most bags are flexible and you can cram them in between the machine on a table.
At this point I was praying and crossing my fingers and toes! It’s always scary doing a big bag such as this (and especially after my luck with the bunk pouches recently. It turned out great, and unfortunately I didn’t take a picture of the end result! I did a big lime green “G” on this pocket!
While I was doing the bag, Sissy was doing this…
She has rearranged all of my thread 8 times, and likes to pick out what colors are “hers” (i.e.: usually all the PINKS).
I have 3 thread stands now and hopefully next week they’ll be up on the wall (and out of reach!). I have the perfect place for them and pegboard, so I can also hang my big 5000M spools. I looked at pegboard today at Lowe’s and it was $16 for huge sheet. I can’t decide if I want to go that route, or buy a 3 pack of square pegboard from Michael’s!
Here is a picture of the bulletin board after we hung it! My desk is still a mess (and notice the McD Frappe).
Right now I’m monogramming fabric-covered-in-vinyl Buckhead Betties lunchboxes & backpacks. Another one of those projects where I hold my breath and pray that nothing messes up! I will try to remember to take pictures of them! I’m doing a name, and then a mini design also so the twins who they belong to can tell them apart!
it’s a good thing your friends are constantly testing the limits of your equipment, what with the coolers and visors and all….. 🙂