Dare I say… the kitchen is DONE! Well, sort of… We’re still missing a few drawer pulls, (3) pendant lights over the island and we have quite a job in front of us to get rid of ALL THE DUST as well as reloading the cabinets. Most of our dishes need to be washed before we put stuff back. Oh, we are also re-doing our pantry too (which is now empty). And…we are also lacking the countertops in our laundry room and in the guest bath (which includes the sink). I won’t dwell on the minor details…. Here is the backsplash which was grouted today. It’s still in need of a good cleaning (dust), but you get the idea!
Here is what we like to call “the mystery room”. This is a room adjacent to our eating area which will some day become a large pantry (storage), homework room, gift wrap room, etc. We have a few ideas for it’s use. It is stacked and packed with everything from the kitchen to decor items we never unpacked when we moved in. It is also coated with a fine layer of dust since this door was left open on occasion during the tiling process (sigh…).
Our other MAJOR project is our garage. It is scary! Not only is everything covered in dust and sawdust, there are all kinds of kitchen cabinet parts, old drawers, extra trim, tile, etc. all over the place. Below is the mystery room again. We need to just tackle a little bit at a time. Eventually it’ll all get to where it needs to be.
We LOVE our cubbies! We have had a “cubby lesson” or two so as to train these 3 to put their shoes and junk away properly when we get home. For the most part I think they just like to climb in them.
The TO DO list is a miiillllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee long. I can’t complain, as I spent Thurs night ~ Sunday down at the beach with my bunko group. Friday afternoon I sat on the couch ALL AFTERNOON. I never get to sit on the couch at home, so it was a treat to just sit and do absolutely nothing.
Tomorrow night is Divine Consign here in Montgomery, which is an overstock sale that I work at every season. This time I did 15 appliqued tees and 2 appliqued aprons for the sale. I’ll post pics tomorrow! I’ll be there from 6-9 tomorrow night for the Grandmother’s Preview Sale ~ bring “a” grandmother and shop early! I just saw some preview pics and it looks like cute stuff (smocked, etc).
We are close to reaching 7,000 Facebook Fans. Just sayin’!!!!
Woo hoo! You’re almost there! Love the kids in the cubbies!
Go 7000!!
I am new to your blog… and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Your ‘helpful post’ are sooooooo helpful!
I am a working mom of three & I have been doing embroidery part time but in 3 weeks I will stay at home with my youngest (6 month old girl) and pursue the embroidery full time. woohooo! I am excited & nervous at the same time. But after reading your blog it put an ease to my mind.
Monica F.
I can not wait to see the rest of the pictures! I want to see how the island turned out. We did our cabinets in cherry a few years ago, and I WISH we had picked that antique white (is that what its called??) Anyhow, I’m enjoying your remodel!
Love your new kitchen!! It is beautiful!! I am about to redo mine and will save some of your pics to use in redoing mine. You have great taste!
Do not know how you do all that you do in a day. You are my hero!
Thanks! I still need to post the “after” pictures! We’re still working on a few minor details.