Did I mention….

… my house was for sale? While I am trying to be thankful that we are in a position where we can move, and thankful that we need more space, and content for this house that I love that we built 9 years ago… I about hit a wall today!!! The kids were out of school and it was showing at 2:00. Back it up to about 10:00 and that’s when the cleaning begins. My house stays pretty clean, but EVERY toy has to be put in it’s place, beds have to be made, ALL the “junk” including dirty laundry usually gets thrown in the back of my car (along with the toaster oven which CAN’T be left on the counter). All the blinds are left open and the lights on just perfectly with a spritz of Febreeze room spray in each room! Doing all this with 3 kids running around is a chore. And did I mention we did this Friday, Saturday and again today!! How about an offer people??? Just one! Please…
In less whiny news we got a new computer last week and it is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! I actually watched a 2 hour TV show on it last night and it’s clear as day! The keyboard and mouse are both wireless and it only has 1 cord, as all of the computer brains are IN the screen. Love. It. I am now working to get all of my *stuff* loaded on it. I managed to get Sew What Pro loaded with some help from Steve. I also got Monogram Wizard Plus loaded, but I have NOT gotten my extra alpha paks on there yet. I also haven’t moved all of my embroidery and design files yet. Anywho, it’ll be wonderful when we get it all set up.
Here is a pic of Sissy with her Simple Cross shirt on. I love this design!
And a closeup – I got this fabric in lavendar too on Friday. It’s a sweet little fabric!
I’m working on editing my pictures from Friday’s road trip to Beth’s. I will work on that post for tomorrow… I took lots of pictures in her store of all the beautiful fabric as well as the new ones I needed got. Lots of dainty florals, lavenders and a good Easter plaid. Check back for that post.