Back to School 2015

Good morning! Summer is officially OVER around here and we are starting our first FULL week of school! My oldest started middle school (6th – EEK!) last week while the other 2 started 2nd and 3rd grade. So far so good! One advantage to having 2 kids so close in age, we just did 2nd grade so it should be a breeze, right!?!? Amiright?? Please tell me I’m right…. Now I hope to have more time again to work, blog, get organized, monogram stuff, clean out closets and all that other stuff we put on our to-do list for when the kiddies go back to school! IMG_6151

We listed a few cute new designs Friday and I hope to be sampling 3 more new ones this week. Our goal is at least 3 or 4 new designs each week! birds 3 500-tile

Lastly, we are celebrating 6 years of Applique Cafe! We have listed exactly 876 designs in our 6 years online! All of them are on sale {50% off} through Wednesday!

anniversary sale

Check out our Digitizer’s Pick right now also! This has been a great seller and I will be changing it out soon!

adigitizerspick 500

Have a great day and week!