Bath Reno Take 2

I have more reno photos to share! If you aren’t interested in bathroom before and afters, then go ahead and jump on over to Facebook! We are getting closer. These pics were taken since my last post but we have come a long way since these. I will update more soon! It has been fun, exhausting, stressful, time consuming, etc. but I know it’ll all be worth it when it’s all done. If I sound like I am complaining about redoing my bathroom, I AM NOT! 🙂 It’s just a process and it’s not all fun! I thrive on a clean, organized house. A renovation and having people in and out all day every day is rockin my world! 🙂

Here is the shower area again. I think I had a pic in my last post with the frame of the shower. As of today it’s fully tiled (but not grouted). More pics coming soon!


Here is our vanity area again. It’s amazing that they can take THIS and make it in to something beautiful! We now have some cabinets in place and the counter top SHOULD go in tomorrow. IMG_9299

When I go in each day (several times a day), I am never quite sure what shape things are going to be in! This was a mess….

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This is my soon-to-be closet, which has our old toilet in it….

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This is the condition of our bedroom and one of the many nights we have spent time sorting through tile, one at a time. Jeff and I have gone through hundreds of tile. They are 18×18 and heavy. We chose a travertine tile which is beautiful, but the color varies from one piece to the next. They come in packs of 4, and in most cases we may have only chose 1 tile out of the 4 for our “keep” pile. Did I mention the tile is heavy? and dirty!! It’s going to be beautiful though!!

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More tile sorting….

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More of the mess! THERE are my yellow scissors!!!!

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And now what we have all been waiting for! TILE!! This was after the floor was laid and I think the last corner piece went in yesterday. Saturday morning, we get GROUT!

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Our shower with the 2nd round of floor tile! The shower floor was tiled, then removed, then tiled again.

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Another pic of the floor! You might be able to see some of the variation.

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This is my old closet which will now be Jeff’s closet. It is a MESS!!! Eventually this will all be cleaned out and we will have new carpet! Again, I’m amazed that this will be clean and new soon cause it is NASTY right now! 🙂

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This is out of order, but this was when tile guy #2 started laying tile and we had to send him home for the day. He never returned, and tile guy #1 came back and started over.

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And lastly, this is our room. Thank GOODNESS we covered everything with drop cloths. There is a 2″ layer of dust on everything! Jeff and I look forward to moving back in! Hotel Mallory has been nice and I’ve gotten used to the queen sized bed, but we will be ready for normal again! 🙂

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I will get some more pics up soon!

In Applique Cafe news, all of our designs are on SALE! Plus, we have a new PICK for $1.50! I love a good trio design!

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Bath Reno 2015

Happy Monday people! I have been MIA for a couple of weeks… busy getting ready for another travel soccer season and we are also renovating our master bathroom! If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that we renovated our kitchen a few years ago. After 2 years of thinking, discussing, putting off, saving, secretly wishing, trying to be content, discussing again… we finally decided it was time! Last summer we came home from vacation and noticed the tile made a crackly sound when we walked on it, which meant it was coming loose. Fast forward to 6 or so mos later and we finally bit the bullet to reno. Here are the “before” pictures, and I will post updates in my next post. We are currently beginning week 3 and hopefully the tile will start going back in today!

Here is the ginormous heart shaped tub that we have used maybe 10 times in our 3+ years in this house. The walls are a lovely shade of blue and absolutely nothing matches! We have light blue walls, bronze fixtures and plenty of brass thrown in there as well.


This thing takes up half the bathroom!IMG_9269

Here is my closet, and it’s huge, but with a weird partial wall in the middle. We are getting rid of that! IMG_9270

This is my vanity, and as you can see I’ve been experimenting with cabinet color trying to figure out what will work! I will not miss these oak cabinets! Not that there is anything wrong with oak, but…..IMG_9272

Here is our tiny plastic shower and Jeff’s vanity. Brass & bronze. IMG_9275

I will not miss this shower! It was faux marble plastic something, and this is what I had to look at every day while sudsing my hair. See if you can figure out what this looks like! Hint: all women have 2. Am I right? That’s what this reminded me of


The lovely light in the potty room. This thing is surely vintage. I’d say filthy too. IMG_9277

Jeff’s vanity again. When we moved in, he had to replace the drawer insides b/c they smelled like a cat may have lived in one of them. It has been a constant battle of odors! IMG_9280

Here is where the tile was coming off, and the whole floor creaked when you walked on it b/c the tile was coming loose from whatever is under it. The grout is 50 shades of nasty as well. IMG_9284

There is something weird about cabinets and drawers that other people used for years and years and years!! Yuck!! IMG_9286

So those are the BEFORE pics! Here are just a few pics of the progress over the last week or so…

This is my vanity area, which will be expanded to be mine and Jeff’s vanity area.


The tub before it was completely removed! It’s amazing the wasted space that was just tile! IMG_9288

Here is where the shower and Jeff’s vanity were. We are gaining a little more shower square footage and gaining a nice utility cabinet for all of our linens! IMG_9289

This shows the shower framed a little bigger, and the utility cabinet will go on the right.


Utility cabinet area. Another closet on the right. IMG_9291

This is my closet without the strange half wall. Jeff and I are actually swapping closets b/c he has 88 times more clothes than I do, but that is another story! This will be his closet (for his 48 pairs of khaki pants and 97 golf shirts).IMG_9293

We will have a normal human size tub under the window, which leaves more space for a double vanity for me and Jeff! IMG_9294 IMG_9295

It’s a slow process but things are shaping up! I will try to get in and take some more pictures tomorrow! Jeff and I took over moved in to Mallory’s room. Bless her heart, this is what she has to deal with in her kitchen. These are all Jeff’s clothes btw. He also has clothes stashed in Browder AND Garrison’s closets, but again, that is another story.

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We are sleeping in her queen bed also, which is like a toddler bed compared to our king. Luckily she has a full bathroom that I am using during this process, and right next to her bathroom is our guest bathroom which also has a shower. So for now we have his and hers bathrooms which makes living in Hotel Mallory a little easier. photo 2 (8)

I will post more pictures soon! We had bath reno crisis (not really a crisis) #1 today (in between me typing this post) when the tile guy began laying tile. He got 3 down and called me in for a looksee, and the tile was darker than we had anticipated. This resulted in him quitting for the day at 2:00 and me running to meet my contractor to look at more tile. That resulted in me going by another place to look at more tile and him driving up to Prattville to look at even more tile. Long story short… the tile guy is taking tomorrow off while we get our act together and decide which tile is going down! Our only other speedbump was a leak in one of the pipes where the shower was. Luckily that was a semi-easy fix and as many HGTV shows as we have watched, it was totally expected. You cannot renovate anything without a leak or rotten wood somewhere.

Pray for us! 🙂

Merry Christmas 2014

First of all, I would like to wish everyone reading this a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! If you are like me, it has really snuck up fast this year. I say that every year, and you’d think I didn’t know that Christmas was on December 25th every.single.year!! It’s not like Easter or Thanksgiving when you are never really sure when it might fall. It’s always December 25th, and it always sneaks up on me! I just mailed out my Christmas cards today, and a couple of hours ago I was still out at Hobby Lobby buying last minute gifts. I think I am done! Anyway, from these kiddos of mine to you, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM APPLIQUE CAFE!!!


I am done shopping, and I am also done monogramming!! I monogrammed my last 5 or 6 items today, and other than monogramming a thing or two for my own children, I am D-O-N-E!!! Below is my “work organizer” that I got from Hobby Lobby. It’s EMPTY!!! Woo hoo!!!! I’m kinda hoping it stays that way until 2015…

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Earlier today, this was my dining room table with everything DONE on it. Most was picked up today. I’ve been monogramming like crazy for the past week or two! Based on the likes on my Instagram photo, I’d say some of you are in the same boat! p.s. don’t you just love Emoji??


Lastly, December has been a hot month for Sew What-Pro software!! A lot of you are either buying or receiving (or both) SWP software for Christmas this year! So far it’s our TOP SELLER for the month! For more info on Sew What Pro, just search Sew What Pro or look for the TAG on the right column of my blog!

top sellers

Again, Merry Christmas and a big THANK YOU to all of our customers and blog readers out there! I know I don’t blog as much as I should, but I appreciate my readers and will try to do better in 2015!! 🙂