My New Favorite Blog!

Y’all… it’s back to school time. All school supplies have been purchased (and some returned), but not a single one has been labeled or sorted by kid….. I DO have them stacked neatly in my laundry room….

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All uniforms have been tried on from last year and new sizes bought. Bright new “highlighter” colored tennis shoes are ready for Monday. We found out who is in what class today which is always exciting! My kids have even read a few books this summer. The countdown is on!! ARE YOU READY?? My to-do list is long for when-they-go-back-to-school. I can finally read that summer book I ordered off Amazon and clean out closets. YAY!!

Now on to the topic of this blog post. This has nothing to do with APPLIQUE, but everything to do with friendships and how God puts people in your path for a reason. When we were at the beach back in July, my sister in law casually mentioned her-friend’s-sister-in-law who was a blogger. I had known ‘the friend’ for years from the beach, but didn’t realize her SIL was a fellow blogger. Of course as soon as I heard her name, it clicked and I knew I had read some of her posts. You know, those posts that continually pop up on your Facebook news feed that are must reads!! Anyway, the week went by and “the blogger” arrived at the beach I think the day before we left. I never met her but did meet her husband (and dog) in the elevator the night before we left. Ironically, we were staying in the condo directly above hers, but I never got a chance to stalk her and say “Hey”. 🙂

Fast forward back to Montgomery, and I was able to go to her website and read and re-read several of her blog posts or articles, some of which I had indeed read via Facebook! I decided to send her an email and she was so kind as to reply, so we exchanged a few emails. While I was reading one of her posts, I immediately thought of another friend that God had recently put in my path and I just knew these 2 had to meet. Fast forward again to last Friday, and the 3 of us got together in Birmingham for a fun couple of hours at Starbucks (my favorite place)!

Below is L-Amy Smith, who has a heart for middle school girls and has a ministry in Montgomery, Enterprise and soon to be Auburn (Alabama) called Girl Talk Ministries. My Mallory is only 6, but I’m starting early and am so thrilled to see what Amy is doing and to see how her ministry is growing! In the middle is Kari Kampakis, who is the blogger/writer of Kari wrote a blog post about a year ago called 10 Truths Young Girls Should Know. This post went viral (like 70,000++ shares on Facebook alone) and on November 4th Kari will release her first book, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know. Her audience for this book is teen girls and their moms, but I believe her Truths can also be applied to boys and even us as adults.



10 truths

 Kari also wrote a post this past June on Why Women Need Their Girlfriends. It’s a great read if you didn’t catch it on Facebook already! Check out her website, follow her, and catch up on some of her posts! You can also pre-order her book on Amazon and a few other places! AND GUESS WHAT? Kari has offered to give away a signed copy of her book to my Applique Cafe readers so be on the lookout for that GIVEAWAY! I can’t wait to get my hands on it after reading her work! Amy and Kari both have a heart for young girls and I am so thankful our paths have crossed and that I got to spend time with them both last week. I look forward to doing it again soon! Friends are so important and I crave quality time with them, which can be hard to come by with 3 busy kids! 🙂

I’ve been feeling inspired by Kari and her blog in regards to my own blog. I know I have been a slacker this summer (and here and there this past year). After a while it’s hard to know what to write about but I’m feeling inspired to get back to it (when school starts…….)


Scenes of Summer

Sometimes I’m not sure what to title a blog post! Today I have random pictures from my phone to share, so Random Scenes of Summer seemed fitting. Sometimes I have no idea what to blog about. Today is really one of those days so bare with me. I haven’t posted anything in a few weeks so I’m due.

For the past few days I’ve been working on VISORS. I have 25 to do in all and am working to finish those up today. The visors are for my friends at Lake Martin Anyway, check out my recent post on doing Visors using a cap frame. I was able to knock these out in 2 days (the front logo). Now I am working on adding the web address to the side panel of each visor. I think I’m halfway done!

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We spent another week at the beach earlier this month. Each summer we spend a week in the Seagrove/30A area of Florida with my entire family and a week in the Perdido/Orange Beach area with Jeff’s family. Love them both! I just love the beach. Here are a few photos from that trip! Below are my 5th, 1st and 2nd graders (in a couple of weeks)!!!

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Isn’t the water beautiful??!! It was smooth like this all week, like a lake, with sandbars every day! It was awesome!!

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I wanna go back!!!! TAKE ME BACK…..

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The day after we got home from the beach, we dropped the oldest off at sleep-away camp for a week. Browder went last year, and this year he was so excited and talked about what they would be doing for 2.full.days. Nonstop “Last year we did….. and …….”


Fast forward to when it came time for us to leave him, and the tears started flowing! I guess it’s good for your kids to NOT want you to leave them? The key to camp drop off, we have found, is to throw their stuff on their bed, shove their bag in their cubby and then LEAVE. Do it quickly so they don’t have time to think about you leaving them for an entire week. We left and he was fine 20 minutes later and had a blast all week, but it was heart breaking to leave him looking like this!

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I told you these were random pics from my phone! Maggie got a good hair trimmin while Browder was at camp! She’s been a little self conscience this past week but I think she’s coming around to her new do.

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Who’s ready for back to school? NOT ME!!! 3 weeks from today, my kids will be back in school. Back to homework. Back to carpool. Back to backpacks and uniforms and calendars. Back to the afternoon battle of reading and correcting homework. Below are my school supply lists. 1 school supply list is kind of fun. I used to love going to Target and spending an hour trying to find the exact supplies listed and checking each item off my list. Times 3?? Not so much. I am DREADING this!!! TAKE ME BACK TO THE BEACH!!!!!

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What do you want to hear about on the Cafe Blog?? Give me some ideas for this fall. I struggle to find a balance between embroidery embroidery embroidery and what’s going on in the Gulledge household. Comment or email me ~! I’d love to hear any and all suggestions! Have a great rest-of-the-week!

Rainbow Looms, Dogs and Soccer

Hola! Happy 11th of October and Happy Friday! My kids were off school today and are also off Monday, so we are enjoying a long weekend. I thought I’d post a few photos of what we’ve been up to lately. Literally….

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This is the foolishness that goes on every day at my house. ^^^ My oldest child was practicing an interview he did for school the other day. Meanwhile, spidey was scaling the inside of the door frame. Not distracting at all. As you can see, I added another thread rack. Now I have to stand on my tippy toes to reach the top of the rainbow!

Speaking of foolishness… or preciousness. This is our precious Maggie. Hasn’t she gotten big? She is now a like 4 1/2 months old. This was a sweet picture of her from the other night right after I found a plug in her mouth. Unfortunately the rest of the cord was still attached to my Pottery Barn lamp. This is her pink “baby” that she sleeps with every night. Every morning she drags her out of the kennel {her bed} to play.

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This was Maggie a few weeks ago. One of many reasons my hair is getting grayer and grayer by the second. She LOVES it outside. She also doesn’t mind sprinklers, cat poop or wandering the neighborhood with me chasing her for an hour.

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Maggie & I can be found at Petsmart every week for an hour for Puppy Class. So far she’s learned to *LOOK*, sit, walk on a leash and eat cat poop. We got our underground fence hooked up yesterday, so Maggie & I can also be found out in the yard a lot learning what all the little white flags mean.

We are also “up to” Rainbow Loom bracelets. We are up to 2 looms (and need a 3rd) and 593,490 rubber bands. See our cool organizer below? Don’t waste your money unless your child is OCD. They are all mixed up now and it’s driving me crazy!! Keeping the rubber bands out of the dog’s mouth is fun too.

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Lastly…. we are up to SOCCER at our house. My oldest plays travel “club” soccer in town and my middle child plays rec league soccer (and we are headed to a game as soon as I finish this post). Lots of soccer! Little Sissy does gymnastics. That means she does cartwheels all over the soccer field.

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That’s about all we have been up to!

This week I created an Instagram account for Applique Cafe! We already have some followers so if you are on IG, find me and follow! Click HERE to get there!! I love Instagram and have been using it for a while now, but haven’t been posting “work stuff” until now. One more thing to keep up with, right??


I hope you enjoy your weekend! My next post will be on beginner machines, so stay tuned!!