Walmarts with an “s”

As a follow up to my pho-tog post the other day, here is a pic of Sissy helping me take a picture of the new Zig Zag Turkey (tested, but not yet listed). It was late in the afternoon so I had her lay the onesie across her chest so I could take a picture with the design in good sunlight! 

And now to my Walmart finds! I swear you can add a monogram to poo-poo and make it look good. I got these hooded zip jackets at Walmart a couple of weeks ago, and of course added my boys initials for a throw-on cool weather jacket. I’m not sure how much the jacket was? $14.97 maybe? They both wore them Friday to school. I found 1 wadded up on the floorboard of Jeff’s car and the other wadded up on the floorboard of my car after school. They take such great care of their clothes…

What I like about these sweatshirt jackets is that they have a very thick, soft, warm lining in them.

Pretty good quality little jacket from Walmarts!

I also got Garrison this camo long sleeved t-shirt for maybe 5 bucks. I got like 7 long sleeve t-shirts in a variety of colors (Faded Glory and Hanes) but he was most excited about this one, and of course I monogrammed it. He is 5 and not clothes picky, so he will still wear shirts that are monogrammed (and even some that are appliqued). I still have a stack of tees to “do” for him ~ brown, green, orange, white, etc.

Not too exciting of a post (sorry folks), but be on the lookout at Walmart (and Targette of course) for simple items you can monogram! Other good sources ~ Old Navy, Belk, JCPenney… Boys are hard too because everything else you see has bling or super heroes all over them. I love when I find plain stuff!

Last night Jeff & I had a fantastic date night. The kids spent the night with his parents, so we were able to make a trip to Target, dinner at one (of three) of our fave mexican restaurants (which happen to have live music which was fun) and we went to see the movie “Courageous“, which is a GREAT movie! It’s a must see for parents (and specifically fathers)! Take some kleenex. After that we got some ice cream/italian ice at Nancy’s and this morning we got to sleep in stay in bed past 6:30! I was actually awake by 7 but managed to pretend I was sleeping until about 8:30. We are having a few friends over to watch the Auburn/LSU game shortly so my kids are ready in their AU jerseys and M has on her cheerleader outfit. Have a great weekend (and dare I say “WAR EAGLE”!!)

Hoops and Photo Editing

I’ve done a post before on the Durkee Hoops, which are compatible with some multi needle machines. Check Allbrands or and they should list which machines are compatible (search DURKEE). I, of course, have a Brother PR-650 6 needle. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 9″x9″ hoop which is mentioned in the earlier post. It gives you a little more room than your standard 5×7. I also have the 6’x6′ Durkee hoop which is great for onesies (shown below)! You can usually use the 4×4 hoop in doing onesies, but that leaves little room for a name or anything else (depending on the design). With the 6×6 hoop you can fit a name or initials and your design is a little bigger. Most people find it hard to hoop a onesie with a 5×7 hoop, 6 needle machine or single needle machine. 

The key to these Durkee hoops is that YOU MUST CHECK YOUR BOUNDARIES since they are not Brother hoops. Your machine will think you are using the largest hoop size ~ it does not know you have 6″x6″ to work with. This is very important and if you don’t check your boundaries, you could really mess up your machine! At the very least you could break a needle! On my machine there are 2 ways to check your boundaries. The right button I pointed too below will move your lead needle around the applique area which will show you the boundary of your design. If it’s all clear of the sides of the hoop, then you are good! If it looks like your needle might bump one of the sides of the hoop, then you’ll need to reposition your starting point or rehoop your item!

The left button I pointed too will show you your boundaries by moving the needle to any place in the hoop you tell it too. You’ll see the options below. Top, bottom, left, right and your 4 corners. I use the left grid option – I’m honestly not sure what the right one does and would have to consult my manual!

I can’t answer questions about every machine out there, but that gives you an idea of what I mean by “checking your boundaries”. And, as far as I know, these hoops only work with multi needle machines (I THINK??).

One question I got not too long ago was WHAT PHOTO EDITING SOFTWARE DO YOU USE? I personally use (and like) Photoscape. #1. It’s FREE, #2. It’s super easy to use. I downloaded a trial version of Photoshop Elements once and it was totally over my head!

The key to getting great (and well lit) photos is taking them outside on a sunny day! If you look at some of our first designs and the web photos, they are HORRIBLE!! I still need to go back and re-do a lot of them. NOW… I try to take them outside on a sunny day. I can often be seen in the yard in a sunny spot taking pictures of appliques in a hoop that I’ve tested! My neighbors probably wonder…

Photoscape has many many features, but I mostly use CROP (zoning in on the applique and cropping out the background), BRIGHTEN (if you click Brighten it allows you to brighten it “low”, “medium” or “high” – you can always play around with this and UNDO), WHITE BALANCE (it allows you to turn a yellowish photo to a brighter white – indoor pictures sometimes have a yellow tint due to indoor lighting and white balance helps remedy that <and it works most of the time, but not all of the time>).

Here is what Photoscape looks like when you open it, and I use Editor. I have not explored the other features that much.

Other features I sometimes use: Bloom – it brightens the background of your photo, Sharpen – it makes a fuzzy picture a little sharper (if it’s not TOO fuzzy to begin with). Also, I use Object – I didn’t take a picture but the feature in there is the one that allows you to add text, add arrows, etc. That’s how I add little comments to most of my photos. As you can see right under HOME, you can also convert your pictures to sepia tone or black & white. You can add fun frames, etc. also!

Check it out! It’s FREE, so if you are looking for software you might download it and just play around with it! Oh, I also use RESIZE, of course, to adjust the width of my pictures. You may notice 640X426 – my blog pictures are all 640 pixels wide. You can then save the edited photo, and Photoscape automatically saves your original in a sub folder (called Original) so you will always have access to the unedited photos!

I hope that helps!

p.s. I use Visual Watermarking to watermark my web photos. It’s not free, but easy to use and I was able to watermark over 350 photos in a matter of a few days. ONE NOTE: Once I watermark my photos, for some reason they will not open in Photoscape. It makes the program shut down, so I keep my web ready photos in 1 folder and watermarked in another so I always have a watermarked and a non-watermarked version of each photo (for our web pictures). Is that makes sense??

Kitchen Update

 Dare I say… the kitchen is DONE! Well, sort of… We’re still missing a few drawer pulls, (3) pendant lights over the island and we have quite a job in front of us to get rid of ALL THE DUST as well as reloading the cabinets. Most of our dishes need to be washed before we put stuff back. Oh, we are also re-doing our pantry too (which is now empty). And…we are also lacking the countertops in our laundry room and in the guest bath (which includes the sink). I won’t dwell on the minor details…. Here is the backsplash which was grouted today. It’s still in need of a good cleaning (dust), but you get the idea!

Here is what we like to call “the mystery room”. This is a room adjacent to our eating area which will some day become a large pantry (storage), homework room, gift wrap room, etc. We have a few ideas for it’s use. It is stacked and packed with everything from the kitchen to decor items we never unpacked when we moved in. It is also coated with a fine layer of dust since this door was left open on occasion during the tiling process (sigh…).

Our other MAJOR project is our garage. It is scary! Not only is everything covered in dust and sawdust, there are all kinds of kitchen cabinet parts, old drawers, extra trim, tile, etc. all over the place. Below is the mystery room again. We need to just tackle a little bit at a time. Eventually it’ll all get to where it needs to be.

 We LOVE our cubbies! We have had a “cubby lesson” or two so as to train these 3 to put their shoes and junk away properly when we get home. For the most part I think they just like to climb in them.

The TO DO list is a miiillllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee long. I can’t complain, as I spent Thurs night ~ Sunday down at the beach with my bunko group. Friday afternoon I sat on the couch ALL AFTERNOON. I never get to sit on the couch at home, so it was a treat to just sit and do absolutely nothing.

Tomorrow night is Divine Consign here in Montgomery, which is an overstock sale that I work at every season. This time I did 15 appliqued tees and 2 appliqued aprons for the sale. I’ll post pics tomorrow! I’ll be there from 6-9 tomorrow night for the Grandmother’s Preview Sale ~ bring “a” grandmother and shop early! I just saw some preview pics and it looks like cute stuff (smocked, etc).

We are close to reaching 7,000 Facebook Fans. Just sayin’!!!!