Do you sometimes wonder if I do any embroidery? I have been knee deep in this renovation lately ~ I can be found at Home Depot on any given morning looking at faucets, knobs, light fixtures, etc. We are finally at a stand-still and are waiting for counter tops. Jeff & I rode up to the boondocks Wednesday and picked out our granite, so now we sit back clean, dust and vacuum and wait for that to happen, hopefully BY next Thursday. I’m squeezing in a customer order here and there lately and have a few “jobs” to work on this weekend and next week. Here is a towel I did and I love this fabric! It’s Riley Blake and I’m a sucker for green and pink. This is the AC Whale.
Here are the kitchen pics from Days 9 ~ 12. We’ve come a long way!
This will be a “buffet” type cabinet. You’ll see it with the corbels added a little later.
Our pre-marriage washer and dryer look a little rough with the new laundry room, and the washer has actually made a crazy noise since we moved in. But, hopefully they’ll survive a little while longer!
LOVE the cubbies ~ you’ll see an updated photo down below!
Love the hood! This is before any molding.
Funny side note here ~ you may notice Jeff in his YMCA soccer coach’s t-shirt. What you can’t see is that it was WET! There is nothing like frantically getting ready for soccer and realizing A) both boys’ shin guards are unwashed from the previous game and scary FILTHY and B) Coach’s shirt is in the washing machine. He dried it for 5 minutes and then laid it out on the dash of the car on the way there hoping it would dry a little more. We are still catching up on laundry.
Sorry, no more hair washing sink!
Here is the buffet area again ~ molding has since been added and this will have granite counter tops as well. You may notice the door 2nd from the right coloring is a little “off”. It is, and will have to be replaced. The right drawer is actually off too. I’m excited about this piece and am already thinking of commissioning AMR Art to paint something for the space between the counter and the top cabinet!
Day 11 ~ we can now microwave and bake! Not that we would, but we can!
The island is taking shape.
Fridge back in place! Yeah ice and water!! Still missing my sink.
Day 12 ~ Details! Molding and trim were added and it looks great!
I like a little bead board too!
It’s coming together ~ you’ll notice a few knobs as well.
Anddddddd our cubbies!
Super excited about these ~ finally a place for the backpacks and soccer cleats!
Finishing touches on the island. You may notice the dust. We will be battling it for a while!
I had a couple of people ask who did our cabinets. I happen to have a connection! Jeff works for Bishop Cabinets during the day (and Applique Cafe at night). So that’s where they came from, but we used Adams Interiors to figure it all out and help us “design” the kitchen, and a guy named Aaron Corbin did our tile, cut out the wall to the den and 1,891 other things we asked him to do. We’ve been super duper pleased with everyone involved! Like I said, now we wait for the counters, then backsplash, painting (picking out paint colors now) and we still lack some molding and our drawer pulls. We also redid Sissy’s cabinet and are redoing the other guest bath cabinets, so I’ll post pics of those later too.
Did anyone get in on the Target Missoni craze? I saw it on the news but didn’t think much about it. Wednesday morning I went to Target to return something, and when I walked in I saw a friend of mine and another girl I knew hovering over the ladies who were restocking. A few minutes later a couple of other girls I knew came in. I ended up with a pair of tights, mostly because I felt like I needed to buy something Missoni after all the craze!
Off to soccer! We have Virginia’s Run in the morning! Jeff is doing the 5K and then we’ll all do the 1 mile fun run (the 5 of us). This might tell you how much of a non-excersizer I am… I found myself at Academy today buying some of the cute trendy Nike shorts for my mile run! I must dig out my sports bra tonight….
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