Everything Embroidery Market Chattanooga


Happy 2015 from Applique Cafe!! It’s 1:52 pm and I am still in my pajamas!! We toasted the New Year with the NYC ball drop with some friends and our 15 kids last night, then came home with 20 minutes to spare in bringing in the central time zone New Year here in Alabama! What are your “resolutions” for 2015? I never really make any or keep any, but have a few things in mind for this year. I was texting with friends yesterday discussing wrinkles, waistlines, gray hair and talk of root canals, crowns and needing braces. 😛 There’s a hefty resolution or two in there I think! Business-wise, I would love to blog more (HA – we have all heard that one before…), somehow come up with more new designs (how.else.can.we.do.a.bunny??), and utilize different social media outlets more in our business (since Facebook has become a total joke). Follow Applique Cafe on Instagram, Pinterest and even Twitter! We are still on Facebook, but lately negative 3% of our followers even see what we post. So, BLOG, INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST & TWITTER! Got it? Good!

Is anyone going to the Everything Embroidery Market next month? Anyone want to? It’s February 20-21st (Fri-Sat) in Chattanooga, TN and Applique Cafe will be there! I have some tickets to give away, so who wants to win a couple of them???? All you have to do is comment on this post with your NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION(S) and I will chose 2 winners randomly on Sunday! That’s this Sunday, January 4th, 2015! Be sure to FOLLOW EEM on Facebook to keep up with announcements and everything else you need and want to know!

eem blog

Applique Cafe news ~ ALL DESIGNS ARE 40% OFF through next Thursday, January 8th! Time to think about Valentines and Easter for sure, and SUMMER will be here before we know it.


Also, check out our Valentine’s Digitizer’s Pick featured on our home page! We are working on several new designs to kick off 2015, so stay tuned for those! One more time…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


Digitizer's Pick


  1. Mine is to offer shirts of the month more regularly than I am right now. I’m really hoping I can keep up with this goal as it’s one of my favorite discounts to offer my customers!

  2. The only New Year’s resolutions I want to make are to sew more for our grandgirls, to become proficient with PE Design-Next, and to learn how to use the Silhouette Cameo we got a over a year ago.

  3. Debbie Bowerman says

    Be More service-minded and more confident in my embroidery projects????

  4. Kay Harber says

    Get a lot better at embroidery.

  5. Karen Sikes says

    To sew more!!!

  6. Emily Baker says

    We don’t do resolutions around here, since they don’t typically get followed through with. 🙂 So we pick a word that we will focus on throughout the year. This year, I chose the word “discipline.” My goal is to be more disciplined in my spiritual walk, my business, etc. Can’t wait to meet you at the conference – that’s a goal of mine in the business world. You have helped my sister and I tremendously in learning so much through your blog and your designs are our favorite! 🙂

  7. Tanya Simpson says

    Manage my time better & of course lose weight!!!!

  8. Ashley Benjamin says

    Sew more…complain less! ????

  9. 2015 a big year for me! Retiring and looking forward to more time to sew, embroider and applique for my girls!

  10. Michelle Phillips says

    My New Year’s Resolution is to learn how to embroider\applique on the embroidery machine that I got for Christmas and hopefully work up to a professional retailer level soon! 🙂

  11. Cora Stewart says

    My resolution is to be kind and good…. and patient….

  12. Kathy Treubig says

    To do one Christmas project a month so that I’m not going crazy the last couple of months before Christmas!! I would love to make tree skirts and stockings for all 11 of my grandkids and all 3 of my kids and their spouses!! Dreaming . . dreaming . . .

  13. Jennifer am says

    Learn to appliqué and sew more and of course become more healthy!

  14. Laura Adams says

    Thank you so much for the give away! I told my husband last weekend that I would love to go but then I talk myself out of it! My resolution is to start an embroidery business! This give away would be a step in the right direction. I got MWP for Christmas after reading up on it on your blog! Thank you for your help!

  15. Sharon Pennell says

    Share my embroidery with others! And learn; better time management!

  16. Vickie Stumon says

    To get all my supplies organized.

  17. Ashley Slagel says

    My resolution is to put more of an effort into my appearance. Monogrammed fleece pants and a pink Notre Dame hat are only cute occasionally….not every third day! Yikes! What happened to me??

  18. Mikki Prince says

    Pray more. ????

  19. Toni Pettit says

    I want to use my machine more AND buy LESS fabric haha! I need to use up some of what I already have! Do you think this is something I can live up to? Maybe half of it………….

  20. 1) To do more with my kids.
    2) To make less excuses and just get things done!

    I’d love tickets!

  21. My husband & I are going. Would love to win tickets to offset the travel & hotel. New Year’s resolution is to add new products to my line & save for a new branding design & website. – Michele

  22. TRACY WADE says


  23. Kinberly Olson says

    I don’t typically keep my resolutions but would rather focus on a goal. This
    year I chose to focus on growing my business. My Facebook page is no
    longer cutting it, so I must find other ways. I also would like to learn all I can
    about embroidery and focus on that part of my little business.

  24. Sharon prince says

    Would love to go! Just purchased SWP and PR655. Going to make this my retirement business!

  25. I have two resolution (attempts 😉 ) One is to do more embroidery and sewing this year and be ahead of the grandkids birthdays etc and not late and the other is to write more in my blogs. I would love to win the ticket as it would be such a treat! Thanks for the chance!

  26. My goal is to set time aside to use my sewing skills as a service for those in need.

  27. To set quarterly and weekly goals for myself to try to actually get things done!

  28. me, me, me…I wanna go and if I win Tickets then I would just HAVE to go! Ok, my resolutions are to Blog regularly (like on a schedule, lol), engage more on social media and set a real sewing schedule 🙂

  29. Rachel Richards says

    To come up with new ways to interact with our customers…current ideas of design parties. We will pick a somewhat simple design, take multiple buckets of fabric and allow customers to individualize their designs with their own fabric choices. Another idea is a t-shirt of the month club.

  30. To stay on top of my orders and not get so behind!!

  31. Sharon Kessler says

    Sew more, exercise more and read my Bible daily.

  32. To eat less and Applique more

  33. Growth is my word for the year 2015. This applies to many areas of my life, just not weight. Would love to come to market!

  34. My resolution is to finally learn how to use SEW WHAT PRO and get some confidence about it!

  35. To attempt to complete 5 random acts of kindness a week.

  36. Denise nellis says

    Learn to use my embroidery machine more and attend workshops to learn. Also to find positive in every negative

  37. My resolution(s) this year is to write 2015! I just get so frustrated when I mess that up.Lol! I’m sure im not the only one that feels this way. Get so use to writing the year & it changes on us! insert chuckle.

    Really, I would like to spend more time creating and less time on the computer.I would love to make some more Youtube video’s to help others with embroidery-

    I will be going to the Embroidery conference & maybe we will meet in person. I’m really excited about this trip with 2 of my favorite embroidery ladies. Its 50 days away..but who’s counting them down. haha! It will be my 2nd girls trip. I can.not wait!

  38. I would like to experiment more with my embroidery machine and be less intimidated with the process of downloading projects. Would love to share this trip with a friend who took me to B’Ham with her to shop for Christmas.

  39. To learn all I can about my new 10 needle, help as many families as I can through our childhood cancer non-profit, but most importantly continue to make sure my son is always my first priority.

  40. Mine is 1st to focus more on family and the Lord and 2nd.. to try and eat better, 3rd.. to find more creative ideas for my business!! I don’t normally set resolutions because with 3 kiddos not much changes.. LOL!!

  41. Marti Sentell says

    I am looking forward to 2015. I plan to meet each Wednesday with a group of young moms for bible study, mentoring and sharing sewing goodness whenever possible. I am going to exercise weekly with a group of ladies (more my age 60) and stay healthy….when I feel good I enjoy sewing so much more.

  42. My resolutions are to spend more time with my children and less in front of the machine. Business related, I would like to offer some new products – shake it up a bit.

  43. Kathy Stafford says

    To get more comfortable and creative with my embroidering!

  44. Just to be kind and more understanding of others…

  45. My resolution is to organize my craft room and work on my website. I agree that Facebook is really not working very well any longer. And of course, I must add that I resolve to lose weight and exercise regularly. (Ha! Who am I kidding on those last two?)

  46. Debbie Stewart says

    To feel better and to be a much better person and to live daily , how I should for Christ.

  47. My resolution is to go to bed each night with all the dishes in the sink clean.

  48. I am getting ready to make a big change during 2015. With this ahead I want to promote my business daily. Its so easy to get busy and not post anything for the day. During 2015 i want to either open an Etsy store or a web site. They both scare me, but I am up for the challenge.

  49. Jacquie Curran says

    My 2015 resolution is to be more disciplined and concentrate on building my business by doing more appliques, venturing into rhinestones with my new Cameo and being more organized. Life gets too busy with other “stuff” so it’s time to prioritize! Happy 2015!!

  50. To get organized!

  51. Happy New Year! One of my resolutions is to get out of the sewing room occasionally! Would love the tickets to the embroidery market!!!

  52. i am moving into a new work room so i plan to be more organized and hope to give myself time to allow one day a week for making things for myself and family……i also want to learn how to use my cameo i got last year hopefully to add more choices for my customers 🙂

  53. Leslie Wakefield says

    I don’t really do resolutions, really just updating and prioritize my “to do” list. I have 3 that are sewing related: 1. Get my sewing area better organized and more functional. 2. Make my daughter’s Confirmation dress. 3. Work on my list of both unfinished and wish list items.

  54. Sharon Ducote says

    Like Emily, my goal or focus this year will be discipline, in my spiritual life, business, health, home and family. So many people depend on me for so many things that I need to focus on my own self discipline (and health) in order to be useful to others. My biggest struggle is procrastination. I’d much rather be sewing and playing with my grandchildren! 🙂

  55. Want to make 1-2 items a week for sale in my Etsy shop

  56. betty germany says

    To get more active in my church in all phases. Start earlier on making Christmas gifts. I would like to have a example of all my designs, but I think that is out of the question since i have so many. I would enjoy getting tickets to this conference. i missed the Applique Conference in June. I learn so much from you and others like you even though I have been embroidering for about 13 years.

  57. Get healthier…embroider more….teach my kiddos to embroider

  58. All of my resolutions/ goals are business minded. I made the plunge in 2014 to do my embroidery business full time, so 2015 is going to be all about growing it and making it bigger and better! I want to offer more products and find better ways to use social media. I’ve been off the facebook train for years! But have never ventured into the world of Twitter…maybe this year??

  59. Be more disciplined to get things done.

  60. Kari Taylor says

    To be more CONFIDENT in my Embroidery and my Pricing. Basically to Believe in myself :O)

  61. Heather Jones says

    The end of this month will mark one year since I bought my first embroidery machine! I have learned to much, and want to expand a little more this year. To hopefully build a steady stream of regulars who love wearing my stitches! (And fingers crossed….possibly upgrade my machine!!!)

  62. To be the healthiest I can be and to spend more QUALITY time with my family. It’s gonna be a good year!

  63. I am not really making any resolutions, BUT I sat down with my kids after Christmas and we made a list of fun things that we can do this year. I’d also like to be better at planning ahead, and procrastinating less!!

  64. Not a resolution, but I will learn how to use my new embroidery machine! Just replaced 10 year old Babylock with a Bernina Deco! Would love to come to Market for new inspiration.

  65. To be healthy and happy I know it will be hard but needs to be done

  66. Anne Coleman says

    My New Years Resolution is to sew more and finish more projects. and I would love to go to the Everything Embroidery Market in Chattanooga! Contests are fun!
    Thanks, Anne Coleman

  67. Sharlisa hutson says

    To make cute matching outfits for my 4 small children (4 yrs and under) and not be overwhelmed by holidays! I am always running behind! To make something for myself is another resolution!! I live in Chattanooga and would love to go!!!!!

  68. Applique more goodies for my grandchildren and get organized.

  69. I don’t make resolutions, I would rather make goals. This year my goals are to work on managing my time better, becoming more organized, posting more on my Facebook page, listing more on my Etsy site, and working on my photography skills for photos. WOW that’s a lot!!! I guess that’s why time management is first on my list!! LOL

  70. Charlotte Templet says

    I am going to try (no I will) get my sewing room organized. I hope!

  71. To make more outfits for my 3 grandchildren and hope to finish my first raggedy quilt…that I started 1 yr ago. Chattanooga is close so I’m gonna try to attend. WIll come by your booth. Love your website and designs sew out great!!!

  72. I would like to spend more time sewing and be more available to family and friends this year.

  73. I don’t normally do resolutions but I am setting some specific goals for this year. First and foremost is for our family to grow in our spiritual life through family devotions and outreach through our church Dream Center. Second to continue to focus on my health . My final is to grow my business with a more strategic focus.

    Thank you Rosemary for all you do. You taught me through your blog and I will forever be thankful to you for that!

  74. I am already planning to attend, so to get free tickets would just be icing on the cake!

  75. Get more done for stores on Eastern Seaboard.

  76. My goal for 2015 is to be more like Christ, serve my fellowman, and embroider and quilt!

  77. Linda Elmore says

    My New Year’s Resolution for 2015 is to make at least one item a week for Christmas so that I’m not finishing my items at the last minute (after everyone else’s is done)! A friend and I are attending the show! We are both excited and can’t wait!

  78. Mine is to do a Christmas project every two weeks throughout the year.

  79. In 2015, my main personal resolution is to be more active/healthy. Yes-its a very typical resolution. I have been doing pretty good with the working out but need to implement better eating for the new year.
    For my business, one of my resolutions is to not be so messy!!! HA!

  80. Bobbie Campbell says

    My goal for the new year, is to get more organized! I can’t seem to find anything when I need it and I know it is somewhere in my sewing room!! lol

  81. Carol Jenkins says

    I want 2015 to be the year I take better care of my health. I also want to use my embroidery more in a service oriented way. I want to donate embroidered items to the Chambless Children’s Shelter in Chattanooga. I also want to make pillowcase dresses for our church’s mission trip to Honduras.

  82. Patricia Hulsey says

    My resolution for 2015 is to be a better person and to get closer to God. It is through his love and compassion, that I get to do what I love (embroidering). I would love to go to Chattnooga Embroidery Market and this would feed my passion. Hope I get chosen for the tickets.

  83. Cynthia Williams says

    My New Year’s Resolutions are to learn to digitize and to attend the Everything Embroidery Market in Chattanooga

  84. Eat healthier, manage time better.

  85. My resolution is to do a better job of promoting and growing my business!

  86. To Learn how to use my new machine!!!!

  87. Nita Northington says

    My New Year’s Resolution is to really soak in and enjoy my babies more…they are growing so fast!

  88. Totally agree with you about Facebook, but love reading your Blog so please continue when you have time. I am blessed with three children and seven grandchildren so totally understand your time restraints. When I do have time to applique or monogram, your blog is my go-to-place for advise and your site is my fave for applique designs. Thanks so much and have a great New Year! Oh, I should add when it’s not the Iron Bowl, our Alabama family roots for Auburn as our grandson is a freshman there now. After we all got over the shock, we are so happy for him as he is so happy.

  89. I hope to get organized, stay organized, and finally empty the plastic bins of projects waiting to happen!

  90. Christine M. says

    My main goal for this year business wise is to embroider, sew, or create items a week, and to remember to take pictures. My family goal is to spend more time with my family and not accept last minute orders that take me away from them. My personal goal is to not sweat the small stuff.

  91. Debbie Smith says

    My resolution is to sew more fun clothes for my new granddaughter this year. Fun!

  92. Morgan Clowers says

    Mine is to stop drinking mountain dews and to light a fire under my faith this year!

  93. Elaine Frix says

    My New Year’s Resolution is to learn to let the little things go and focus on what is important in life.

  94. I resolve to take advantage of time with my loved ones.

  95. My resolution is to exercise more and be more centered in my Christian faith in 2015.


    Happy New Year, my resolution is to bond more with family and friends.

  97. Krystal glisson says

    Mine is to embroider and sew more to start a business.

  98. Great blog! Hope I win tickets to expo

  99. Would love to win a couple of tickets! My New Year’s goal is to learn the Cameo Silhouette to compliment my monogram habit!

  100. Donna Sandlin says

    My New Year’s Resolution is to get organized and
    de-clutter my house!!

  101. Aubrey Dickenson says

    I resolve to say “Yes” more! 🙂

  102. Beth Adcock says

    My New Year’s Resolution is to live my life so that others can see God’s love in my attitude, behavior, and actions daily.

  103. Lorraine Lolly Rettig says

    My new years resolutions are
    #1 Clean my sewing room
    #2 Keep my sewing room neat for more than one week.
    #3 Try new and bigger designs
    #4Complete a half-marathon
    #5 Visit my 93 year old Aunt

  104. Carla Rowley says

    My goals include being more productive by not spending so much time browsing the internet when I could be actually making something. My head is full of ideas that I need to make happen!

  105. I really hope to calm down and finish some of the projects I’ve started and stop starting new ones before I complete one. I need to forgive myself and realize sewing and embroidery projects don’t have to be perfect to be enjoyed. I look forward to reading your blog and appreciate the help you’ve given me these past few years.

  106. debra odonnell says

    I would love to go. I have never been before!

  107. take more time for myself!

  108. My resolution is to conquer my giga hoop and how to set monograms for it. I would so love to go to a conference, I really think it could help me a lot. Love your new blog

  109. 1) Be present mentally when I am physically with my family, friends, etc…, but also 2) do something healthy for myself!

  110. Linda Epting says

    I am going to try to stay organized this year

  111. Cris Camplin says

    At 60 weight loss and wrinlkes are ok. I am not hoing to beat myself up. Instead i will look at myself with unconditional love and therefore be able to handle any situation in the same way. Sewing has been my passion since I was young. I can stay up all nite and totally enjoy every second. As i have with different spontaneous projects to arise. I’m working to pay for my machine but need my machine to become self employed. Then I can allow myself the freedom to do what i so love. Take trips from Rainbow City to Chatanooga to eat at Sluggos/ vegan restaurant or Cashews. Such a treat would be to attend an embroidery show and eat great food. What a fine trip that would be! Bought my machine at a craft show! Hehe loved it!!!! Thanks and happy sewing!

  112. Shannon Markham says

    This year I want to get my children’s embroidery and applique business started. I also want to be more patient with my family 🙁

  113. To be more organized! And to volunteer/give to others more 😉

  114. Kari Young says

    My resolution is to start on Christmas projects in January!!!

  115. Pretty much my resolution is to budget/save! We are paying off 2 cars and we’ll be FREEEEEE once those are gone! Would LOVE to go to EEM! Sounds like so.much.fun!

  116. To clean up as I sew…..instead of waiting till i cant see my studio!

  117. Marcia Kilpatrick says

    I want to develop a better bible study time & eat more healthy to help my husband with his diabetic problems! I would love to go. Only had my machine for a year. I need ideas.

  118. I would love to be able to attend the event!!! Super exciting to even think about the privilege.

  119. Donna Elam says

    To be more organized, take time to learn new things and spend more time with my family. 🙂

  120. Sherry Simonds says

    Cross stitch more. Actually it’s not… its embroidery on my new machine but my husband calls it cross stitch:) love to win I could drop him off at his dads near Chattanooga!

  121. Pam Driskell says

    My goal this year is to complete 1 5K per month for the year 2015! I am 90 lbs overweight and I knw I can do it! I am also praying for God’s direction on expanding my small home monogramming business!

  122. I plan on being more organized in 2015. I would love to go to EEM in Tennessee. That would be so awesome.

  123. Virginia r says

    i am determined to at least begin quilting a king-size quilt I put together almost 3 years ago.

  124. Karen Smith says

    To read the New Testament through.

  125. Cyndi Dickens says

    To be a better wife, mom, Mimi and just in General am”better” person. To reduce my iPad time and start exercising with the extra time. I’d love to win and have a great excuse to visit my sister in Tennessee!!! Pretty please!?!?!?

  126. LAUGH MORE! 😉

  127. Well, I’m re-upping my new year’s resolution from last year: to organize my house. 🙂

  128. Becky Dunlap says

    awesome thanks!!! I want to get healthier.. Physically spiritually emotionally and to learn to be content. My new motto is progress not perfection.

  129. Happy 2015 to all of you! I am new to embroidery and especially new to Applique. I found this site through reading post in some groups I joined one being Brother PE Embroidery Group. I found your blog and really feel confident that I can do this now after reading your tips on how to. I want you and others like you to know how much you are appreciated for your helpfulness, espescially to beginners. I am so excited to get busy on so many projects I wanted to do, now that I am not scared to death to try! Thank you so much for your time and sharing your knowledge!

  130. Keela Long says

    I would love to go to the conference! It would be like Disney World!