I’m having such a hard time with my sewing room! I have gobs of pictures on Pinterest. I know what I like. I’m having THE hardest time achieving it! I just moved my plastic-Target-drawer-bins across my big blank wall, then put my thread on top and organized it for the time being. My walls are still all bare besides the bulletin board over my desk.
I have these pegboards. Looks like I can only fit about 9 X 5000M spools per board, which is fine. I could probably squeeze them together a little more. I have other stuff I COULD hang on these, and also thought about a big shelf for my big thread. I want my thread to be a focal point on the wall…
For now my “stabilizer thing” is just sitting on my tool chest, which is where I “work” and hoop my items. I was going to hang thread over this in between the windows, but now I’m thinking thread might go best over my fabric?
I’m eyeing these cubbies found at Home Depot and also online at Home Decorators, which is where I got my desks and is a subsidiary of Home Depot. If I bought the 9 cubby X 2, and a 6 cubby, I could line my blank wall just as the plastic drawer bins are. The cubbies would be a little taller and I could get some of the cute colored baskets, and also leave some of the cubbies for other “stuff”. Maybe with the cubbies I could commit to hanging my thread stands, or something over them?
Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, link to inspiration photos?? Anything?? Anyone??
Applique Cafe is TWO! We’re celebrating our anniversary (or birthday) and also, this weekend we bypassed the 6,000 Facebook Fan mark. All designs are SIXTY% off! I feel like a furniture store saying this, but honestly prices have never been so low! Time to stock up! I added 4 new designs this week as well ~ Zig Zag Jack-o-lantern, Zig Zag Football, Football Dog (Stitch) and Halloween Dog (Stitch). We are working on more new Fall designs as I type! Stay tuned!
TIA for your suggestions!
Love the second picture on this link. The wallpaper background for the cubbies is adorable!!!
I suggest buying an old hutch or large dresser that you can paint and distress to look very cool to store these items in and hang the peg boards above the dresser for a cool look!
I don’t know if I’m crafty enough to paint and distress, although I LOVE that look! 🙂
I feel your pain! I’ve rearranged my sewing room a million times in the last 3 months trying to get it to have the “look” I wanted. I finally gave up and put the things I use the most, where I use them the most and worked everything else around that. I’m still nowhere near having it “just right”, but it’s coming along a lot better now that I can always (well, almost always) put my hands on what I need! Good Luck!
I have those same cubes from target in my work space. I used them as “legs” to a long counter top. It is nice because I can stand and work on the machine. I can send you a picture if you want. I also want to tell you I can cut you large wall vinyl for your walls to help decorate!
I’d love to see a picture! What type of wall vinyl?
I can cut images or saying in just about any font and color. It is removable but not reusable. It will not leave a residue on the walls. They look hand painted because I use a matte vinyl. I have some pictures on my FB page Royal Creations By Jessica Royal. I will also put a picture of my desk. (it is a mess!!! – Everything is a mess with the 4 kids home for the summer)
I’ll check it out!
I don’t have anything betterto suggest but only fitting 9 spools on the pegboard seems like a waste… The only think I can think of would be to mount a piece of wood (.75 square or something like that) to your wall with little doweks glued into that (kind of like the thread holders you can buy)…then you could paint or stain it any color and you could determine the spacing you wanted for the look you’re trying to achieve…
small wall quilts…pictures of kids n grands,stencils of sewing machines on wall…wall shelves(corner),your favorite piece of art,handmade wall pockets,pegboard for scissors…
I currently have all my fabric in rubbermaid bins, which I don’t love. I have been thinking about something along the lines of the 9-cube cubbies. I am sure you know this, but I thought I would point it out anyway. Target has those cubbies in white, black and espresso. In addition to the 9-cube, they have a 6-cube and also 2-cube that can be mounted on the wall if desired. They also have the canvas drawers in a slew of colors. I can’t decide between those and the tall pantry type cabinets that Home Depot sells. Sometimes I think I want my stuff displayed and then there are times that I think I want the more hidden, clean look. Either way, the pegboard seems like a MUST HAVE!
Good luck with it! I am sure it will look FAB when you are done!
I’ll have to look for the pantry type cabinets! I’m with you – debate on showcasing my fabric or hiding it! 🙂
Have you looked at IKEA for storage? We don’t live near one, but they do ship a lot. They have pretty store options (the Hemmes collection, I think)…I’m saving for the glass front cabinets for my fabrics.
We don’t live near one either (2 1/2 hrs away). The shipping is pretty pricey!
Ikea may be worth the drive- I’m in the Atlanta area and LOVE that place. If you ever want to met up I’ll met ya there. We can have lunch there too.
They have great storage stuff!!!! I plan on going once my kids start back to school. ONE more week…
I took an old frame and had peg board made to fit it, it’s about 30 x 40 and I have my thread on it! decor for the wall and very organized! you may can get a ready made frame from Hobby Lobby when they are 50% off or use a 40% off coupon…
Have you considered making your “baskets” for your cubbies? sew4home.com has wonderful instructions if you like to sew at all. That way, you could have your favorite fabrics…. maybe arrange them in quilt square patterns? It would reflect your personality as well as add color. Good luck!
Thanks I will check those out, but I am honestly not that crafty!! I’d love to sew more stuff but never seem to have time!
What a cute website BTW!!
Of all places, Staples, has the 9 cube and the 6 cube on sell right now. $10 off. They only have the white and the espresso tho. Target runs theirs on sale pretty frequently. I like them too. Better than the plastic bins. You couldn’t see what is in them but maybe you could embroider cute labels on them to show what colorways were in the bins? I think the thread on the wall above the fabric storage would be nice. I do like how yours are all arranged by color! : ) I am going to look at Lowe’s or Home Depot in the tools section for some ideas to attach things to the pegboard. Thanks so much for sharing your process.
What thread do you use?
I use Isacord and Exquisite (which used to be Poly X).
I don’t know if you would prefer to have your threads on pegboards, but what if you displayed your thread on shelves? You could do small shelves like the wooden decorative shelves that Hobby Lobby sells, and paint them. You could hang them the same way or do them at different heights over the wall. Maybe you could display the threads by color or however you like.
If it were me, I’d find an old hutch/dresser that I could paint. Then I would paint the thread stands, and display them on top of the dresser.
I’m not sure if this was mentioned or not. You could get the huge pegboard from Lowes – they will cut it for you too. You could do one big one or have it cut into smaller sizes, like 18×24. Then paint and frame them.
I redid my sewing room with the help of a friend less than a year ago. Before it was a total disaster, with nowhere to put anything. Now, it’s my oasis where I go to get away from it all!
Take a trip to Ikea. If there’s not an Ikea close to you, check them out online. They have so much organizational stuff it’s ridiculous! Look in the kitchen section for containers and things to organize all those buttons, rhinestones, pins, etc. you don’t know what to do with. Ikea is great for inexpensive remedies!
Here’s what I did for my room:
Furniture: I have 2 storage closets with shelves that I purchased at Lowe’s. I purchased a new desktop system from Ikea. I bought cheap shelves from Ikea and lots of containers, boxes and organizational things from Ikea. Think about what you need to store and find creative solutions for it. One of my favorite things from Ikea is these magnet strips you hang on the wall. They are made to hold knives in the kitchen, but I bought metal spice tins and stick them to it. That’s where I store all my buttons, rhinestones, etc.
I also took my wooden thread racks, spray-painted them red and hung them on the wall. When my thread is organized, it looks so pretty! I love it! I also made my own ribbon racks… yes, I made them!! I got some plywood from Lowe’s and had it cut to my specs. Then I bought some boards, screwed them to the plywood and added screw-in hooks. I cut some dowel rods and painted it all. Viola! So Easy! I do have my own sewing room, but with all my stuff it can get very cramped. I have lots of stuff hanging on my walls! All my threads and ribbons hanging on the wall makes me love it even more!!
I do love your idea of the cubbies. I may have to invest in some of those soon. Those two closets I have are busting open with all of my blanks and fabrics!
Hope that helps! I’ll try to figure out a way to post the pics of my room.
I’d love to see any pics if you have any! Ikea is in ATL which is 2 1/2 hours. Might be worth a trip! Their shipping is expensive!
Look on my new Fancy Pants fb page for pics. Here’s the link:
Hope it works!!
LOVE IT! I like the thread stands painted for sure!! Might need to make a road trip to IKEA!
I have the cubbies and I LOVE them! I actually got rid of the same rolling carts that you have and I was glad I did. I feel like my fabric is more organized and more visible which results in me not becoming frustrated and having to purchase more fabric when I can’t locate what I’m looking for. I also sew so I usually purchase more than just enough for appliques.