I have gotten to where lately when I’m layering fabrics in an applique, I cut out the bottom fabric after the tackdown stitch for the 2nd fabric so that the 1st fabric does not show through the 2nd fabric. Did I lose you already?? Here is an example and I will have to do this again because of the hole in the megaphone – I did have to add some blue gingham back to the hole before I finished the design. Here is the (coming soon) MEGAPHONE SQUARE PATCH. As you can see the patch part is DONE (steps 1, 2 and 3) and now it’s time for the megaphone. Step 4 of the design is the MARKING stitch of the megaphone (shown in orange ~ you can barely see the stitching).
At an angle I poke a hole in the middle (at an angle is key so that you don’t cut through the shirt). You can see here I trimmed away the blue gingham fabric inside of the marking stitch in preparation for the polka dot fabric. Had I not done this, you may have been able to see the gingham through the polka dots!
Next I lay my polka dot fabric down and it did step 5, which is the TACKDOWN STITCH for the megaphone. I trim around the tackdown stitch as usual, even inside the hole of the megaphone. This is where my “example” sort of messes me up, because I had to go back and add some blue gingham fabric in that hole before I finished the design. I’ll try to show a better example next time!
Here is the finished patch. Again, had I not cut the blue gingham away you may have seem some gingham through the dot fabric. Not a huge deal, but it’s an easy fix to layering fabrics!
And here I added a # to the design just for idea purposes.
Don’t ask me where I got #27? I was trying to think High School football rather than College! These 2 designs will be available very soon at www.appliquecafe.com!
Thanks for the tip. I always just try to make sure my top layer of fabric is darker than the bottom, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way.
Thanks – that does happen alot! I've never thought of doing this though! I appreciate all your tips and love your designs! Hope your finger is feeling better.