Here are several fabrics I picked up Saturday at Hancocks! Hancocks can be hit or miss in every department, but they had some really cute fabrics in. I struck out on my stabilizer I went in looking for, but they did have the Sulky spray adhesive in stock which is rare! Preparing for a little competition (aka JoAnn) coming to town? You cannot beat polka dots! If you ever see a cute polka dot, GET IT!! The 4th one is hot pink with little white hearts – cute!
And since Hancocks is right next door to Hobby Lobby, I went there too! Jeff actually hauled me around on my errands and stayed in the car with the kids! You can’t tell (other than my added text) but the right is brown zebra. I also got some fat houndstooth (not by choice) for a new design coming out this week. As much as it pains us, we did an ALABAMA design for all you Bama fans!! It took some arm twisting to get Jeff to do it (he’s an Auburn alum), but after they won Thursday night we figured it might be a good idea!!
Here is ONE of 6 or 7 new designs we have been working on. I have to sample 3 more tomorrow, then we’ll send them all off to be converted to ART, and will hopefully have them up on the site later in the week. We are working on some Easter stuff next. It’s been a little challenging coming up with Easter that’s not already out there! Thanks for everyone’s suggestions! Anyway this is a cute simple train and I added initials. This is a great simple design like the airplane and sportscar, which have both sold well. I had someone e-mail and compliment us today on the simple-ness of our designs. We really do try hard! From my experience, the less steps the better, and you can’t beat a 3-stepper (4 with initials)!
This past week, and this week, have got to be baby shower week!? I’ve done TONS of baby gifts this past week – lots of bibs and burp cloths. I ordered 10 more burp cloths today as well as a couple of layette gowns to have in my stash. I also tried ordering some more of the cute pink & blue trim bibs (see pink owl) but it wouldn’t complete my order so I’ve got to try again.
I’m hoping for a normal week of school (after Friday’s snow-less day when school was cancelled!!). My PE750D is on the fritz, so I’m going to run it over to West Point, GA sometime this week if possible ( I e-mailed Steve this weekend about bringing it in and can’t wait to see the new store! I might even take my camera and take a few pics if I see anything interesting to blog about! Anyway, the top tension is suddenly loose so hopefully it’ll be quick and inexpensive fix! I’m now working on my original PE700 and just praying nothing happens to it! Goodnight!


  1. I completely agree, and I LOVE the simplicity of your designs as well. I am currently in love with the bunny and hope that you do a simple carrot to go with him. (hint…hint…) Keep up the awesome work!!!


  2. I totally agree with the simple designs are just the greatest they look neater ontop of much eaisier on me and my machine. Thanks for the sale I picked up several of your new designs. I have a neighbor who found me on facebook (funny way to talk with your neighbors huh) anyway I told her about your site tonight.