EAC 2012

OK friends, here is my post-Everything Applique Conference blog post! For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a (1st ever) Everything Applique Conference was held this weekend in Birmingham, AL (at the BJCC). 7 digitizer applique website owners like myself assisted 1 digitizer/website owner (Kathy [and her hubs Jeffrey] the host and brain child of this event) in planning the event and we were all “presenters” and were able to teach the classes.

I first want to say how overwhelmed I was at the amount of people I met at the conference who said they read my blog, had been following for years, asked about my kitchen, etc. Honestly there are times where I wonder if anyone is reading, or if I am just blabbering my heart out to my 3 friends and long lost cousin. So, I left the conference this weekend re-energized about blogging and I promise to do a better job at it from now on. I think I am still on a Conference high. It was so exciting and fun and I told someone at church yesterday it felt like an out-of-body experience. Did I mention there were over 700 women (and a few men) there?

Friday night a couple of hundred women came for a “Meet & Greet”, which was a lot of fun and I think it ‘broke the ice’ and calmed our nerves a little! Each of us had a table for our door prizes and samples. (sorry some of these photos aren’t fabulous – some were taken from my phone). Here is my table, and next year I hope it’ll be a little snazzier! This was kind of a last minute “bring some samples” thrown-together kind of thing.

Each digitizer did a basket of “favorite things” as well as other various door prizes (gift certificates, fabric, thread, etc.)

Here we are on Friday night ~ L to R: Cristy from Itch 2 Stitch, Brandy from Applique Momma, ME from Applique Cafe, Emily from Applique Alley, Kathy from Applique Corner (she is the one who put this whole shindig together), Holly from Applique Junkie, Rachel from Embroidery Boutique and Karen from Applique Market. We are all competitors, and after talking on Facebook, email, messaging 24/7 for 2 weeks straight, we all met for the first time this weekend. It was SO MUCH FUN! A few of these ladies I have “known” for a long long time, and it was so much fun to hang out w/ them!

 I, along with Brandy from Applique Momma, taught 4 classes on “Applique the Right Way” and I just hope what we said and did made sense! Our first class was a group of advanced women (hello nervousness), but overall I think they walked away maybe learning SOMETHING?? Some weren’t familiar with Heat N Bond Lite and they were great to ask and answer questions, so it was a great 1st class. After advanced we had 2 packed-out classes of Intermediate folks (200+ people), followed by our last class of beginners.

Here is our class presentation table!

We discussed designs (satin, zig zag, raggy, etc). I am excited to report that I took all of those cut out samples of our AC test designs and USED THEM!!!! We were able to pass them around the room for each class so everyone could see the different types of designs (satin, raggy, zig zag, mini). We also discussed fabric, thread, stabilizer, scissors, and Brandy demonstrated the applique process on a shirt for each class. She did a great job!

 We discussed all the different types of stabilizer, most of which came from Sewingmachine.com. They were vendors at the conference and I think they were a big hit ~ most of the people in our classes were shocked when I told them the large roll of medium cutaway stabilizer (on the right by the Exquisite thread chart) costs $12.99! Look for their commercial backing on their website, and I recommend the 2.2 oz! We also discussed thread, and as you can see I use both Exquisite (Ken’s Sewing Center) and Isacord (Sewingmachine.com). I love them both! Exquisite has some colors that Isacord doesn’t have, and vice versa, so I use both.

We had a Brother PE770 machine in the room as well as a PR650 6-needle. The PE is a great starter machine!

Here’s another shot of my “favorite things” door prize! After the conference I met the sweet girl (for the 2nd time) who won my basket. First of all, when they called out a ticket number for my basket, no one stood up. I wish I could remember her name, but the girl who eventually won told me she prayed “Lord, please let me win!!!”. Her number was THEN CALLED!!!!!!! How fun!!!! She then told me that she rode to the Conference on a TRAIN all the way from New Orleans! How AWESOME is that!?!?!??!! Had I known she would have gotten a prize for mode of transportation, for sure!! It was fun to talk to her and I hope she will message me! I met so many women that I’ve “known” from Facebook! I met one lady who I’ve ‘known’ for years, and it didn’t hit me until my ride home who she was. We also signed a couple of autographs (ba haaaaaa haaa) which was fun!!

Here is picture of the stage and our master conference planner, Koral! She kept us in line and on our toes all weekend! The items on stage were just a portion of the many door prizes that were given away (including a PE770 machine!!!!!)


Here is an attendee winning the thread collection from Ken’s Sewing Center!

Here is Steve from Sewingmachine.com – he demonstrated some great machines and hoop options during lunch! Even the table of digitizers were in awe as he demonstrated the Mighty Hoop!

The only thing about the conference that I would change is that I would have LOVED to sit in on the other classes! I’ve heard such great reviews on the Photography and Marketing class! We all know I could use some help on photography!!  Here are some pics from our class (Applique the Right Way). First of all, please notice I am holding a m-i-c-r-o-p-h-o-n-e. Those of you who know me know that I am relatively quiet and this is so out of character for me. But, we were forced to use it by the first class. We taught 4 classes total ~ the intermediate classes were over 200 folks each. Here I am discussing spray adhesive.

Brandy is demonstrating sewing a shirt on a PR-650. Notice how a lot of people are taking notes (or writing down out their grocery list for next week).

Lots of people asked lots of great questions, thank goodness!



Here are the digitizers again. Our aprons are from 4Retro Sisters on Etsy! Aren’t they cute??

This is the view from the back of the room where we all met. That’s Jeff walking on the left. It was an amazing turnout!

At the end we all got up on stage for a Panel Q & A!

This photo is blurry, but we presented Kathy with a beautiful framed painting from Donnie Sasser. Kathy and her husband were FABULOUS to work with and we were all so honored to be able to help with this event!!

 It sounds like Kathy is already planning for next year! She is considering making it a 2 day conference which would give more time for classes and vendor shopping. This year was wonderful (and the planning was done in a matter of 2 to 3 months). I can’t imagine how awesome it’ll be when she has a whole year to plan! Lastly here is a picture of Jeff and Jim. Jim is Karen from Applique Market’s hubby and he & Jeff hung out all weekend and had a great time. They were put to work during lunch!


  1. Thanks for posting this recap! I was so excited to go to this conference and bought my ticket early, but then BROKE MY FOOT a few weeks ago and wasn’t able to drive down there. At least you showed me what I missed and I now know that I definitely want to go next year.

  2. It was such a wonderful conference!! I learned so much and met so many like minded ladies! Had a blast and looking forward to next year! Ooooh, Rosemary, you did a GREAT job!! I just can’t wait till next year!

  3. Rosemary that is awesome! What amazing gifts you have to be able to do something like this. How wonderful! I am sure you did a great job teaching your classes.

  4. Oh, I so want to be there next year! I will have to make sure that daughter & I have enough $$$ saved up for it. We really wanted to come this year but just couldn’t swing it. Sounds like great fun and a wonderful time.

  5. Wow, looks like y’all had a blast! I would have loved to gone but couldnt. Hoping to go next year! And Rosemary I love your blog…I look forward to reading them. I am a stay at home mom of a 3 year old and 23 month old, sometimes taking a break to read your blog is a bit of fresh air. I love too sew and embroider, have a small business on fb but wish it was bigger. Dreams of opening up a shop here in my town, you ate very inspiring!

  6. It looks like it was amazing! I’m really hoping that I will be able to make it there next year!

  7. Linda L says

    Thanks for the update on the conference! I wanted to go but just couldn’t do it this year. I am planning on next year for sure!! I love your blog too and look forward them!! Glad the conference was a success.

  8. hi there! how in the world do you get your appliques so crisp and neat? my mother has been appliqueing for my twin boys but they never turn out as neat as yours? the fabric seems to always show through the thread lining the outside? any tips! we love all of your appliques and use them ALL OF THE TIME! thanks!

    • Do you use Heat N Bond Lite? Check out my post under Helpful Posts – Secrets to a Better Applique. HNBL and also curved scissors help!

  9. Rosemary,
    Thank you for posting the highlights! It looks like I missed an awesome event and I am glad to hear they are planning next year’s conference. I plan to be there.
    Thank you for posting a picture of all the ladies and their site’s names; it is nice to put faces with the site’s.

    Thanks again!

  10. Jennifer Adams says

    LOVE those aprons. I saw the picture a few days ago and was wondering if ya’ll made them.

  11. Cathy Beasley says

    The conference was great! I loved your season. My sister and I run a business together and I do the hooping, cutting while she runs the machine. We do not hoop but use fast frames. I am going to try and use the frames and see if I can get used to them. Do you recommend that your customer not put their garments in the dryer? Again great conference cannot wait until next year.

    • I personally dry everything! The HNBL will help – ironing after laundering might help too but I have never had a problem (I’m not that picky either! 🙂 ) I’m glad you enjoyed the conference!

  12. Georgia says

    Hi Rosemary!
    It was so nice to meet you at the conference! I went home and told my mother in law that I asked you about your kitchen remodel at the meet and greet. She laughed so hard at me saying you probably thought I was a wierdo! I just wanted to you know I was one of your readers!! 🙂 I was definitely taking notes during your session. (Grocery lists were the farthest thing from our minds LOL).
    You would have enjoyed Holly’s class too. Did you hear about her “Sparkle” videos? Hilarious! I can’t wait to see you again next year, and thank you so much for all of the work and $ you put into your door prizes, also for the coupon code. About to use it now…

    Georgia Gober

    • I have seen a Sparkle video and it was hysterical!! I hate we couldn’t all sit in on each other’s classes!!

  13. I hope you get the dates out for the next conference early, early so everyone can make plans. I have lots of questions about embroidery that somehow the ladies where I bought my Deco 340 don’t answer. Their introduction session that they gave after purchase was not very helpful. I am following your advice on your blog for applique – love the results.

    • I am sure the dates will be announced with plenty of notice! Are you needing help w/ your machine or w/ embroidery in general?

  14. LOVED the conference. I was thinking on the way down that I wished I had someone to go with me. I thought it would be kind of lonely not really knowing anyone. Boy was I wrong. You should have been at our table – we were laughing our heads off. I made some new friends and contacts that I would never have had the pleasure to meet were it not for that time together. Can’t wait to do it again.

    Question – I have been trying to log on to the site we were given to download the free designs from the conference. I think there are 24 of them. Every time I try to go to the site I get an error message. I have checked my spelling, etc. Do you know if the site is available now? I don’t want to miss my designs. Thanks, Angie

    • So glad you had a good time! Let me ask – I want to say they said it might be Friday before the designs were ready for download?

  15. Rosemary….the conference was great. I was so glad that I got to go and meet you Friday night. I do not know what I would do without you kind, sweet, young ladies that pass on all of your knowledge to us. I tried to get to you again Saturday and tell you how much your advice has helped me but someone else was always there. I am a grandmom and am doing these things for my grandkids. I LOVE expressing my love to them through these garments!
    Your advice on the best colors of thread to buy is worth its weight in gold. I bought all 10 or 12 colors that you suggested that day in your blog and they have served me so well…..everything that I appliqué seems to go with a color you suggested. I told the gals at my lunch table about it and one lady from Nashville had your list with her….we are your fans! I know with family commitments your time is valuable….just want you to know that the time you take writing your blog is such a help! I learned so much from the seminars. Every time you think you know all there is to know there is something new…..it was great.
    I do have a quick question for you…..if I want to order a sticky stabilizer (since I heard of so many people using it in B’ham) which would you suggest? I want to place an order at SewingMachine.com and need your advice.
    Thanks again for being so willing to help us all!

    • Thank you for your kind words! It helps to hear people ARE reading and that the info is mostly helpful! 🙂 As far as the sticky, go to sewingmachine.com and search “sticky”. There are all sizes of rolls you can get – it’s the sticky tearaway. If you don’t plan to use it that much then you might be able to get away w/ a smaller roll (you might not need 100 yards!). The roll I Have is 19″ X maybe 25 yards? I’ve had it FOREVER, as I don’t use that much sticky. I hope that helps!