It’s Back to School time around here! Summer went by in a flash I tell you. We have had some big changes going on in the fam jam this fall! My kids all went to the same school up until last year, which we looovvveeeed (and still love). Browder moved across the street (literally) and did 6th grade last year at a different school. It was all good at the Gulledge abode with them being in 2 different schools until Mama decided to go back to work this past February. Long story short we decided to move the other 2 across the street this year so that everyone would be under the same roof and on the same schedule (and go to school until 3:00 every day so Mama could work). They started Tuesday with a 1/2 day and yesterday was their first full day. They were excited and seem to love it and all I heard about yesterday was the lunchroom. This was a huge transition {for me mostly} after being at the same school for 6 years. They all started Kindergarten there and after 6 years, you pretty much know every nook and cranny and how everything works, what to expect, where to put the box tops and what to do when the copier jams. We are now transitioning in to the new school and hopefully one day it’ll feel like home! The kids have already made some cute new friends (and reunited with friends from church and past soccer seasons) and hopefully I will fit in somewhere too!
Garrison is in 4th grade, Browder is in 7th and Mallory is in 3rd!
Not sure about this one but Browder is smiling. G is in 4th…. not sure what Mallory is doing…..
Another huge change is that our soccer loving boys are not playing travel soccer this fall! We’ve done travel soccer for the past several years, with me managing G’s team for the past 2 (which was another part time {non paying of course} job for me). Suddenly our calendars are wide open this fall to let us adjust to a new school! Browder is doing Cross Country with the school so he has a hand full of meets and Mallory will do gymnastics. Garrison will just hang out and enjoy his break from 10 year old high pressure soccer! 🙂 Part of me misses it (the kids and families) but it’s nice to have a laid back fall too!
THIRD big change… our little family bought a little fixer upper lake cabin last month which we are now fixing up. Only Chip & Joanna aren’t here and it’s taking much longer than an hour episode of Property Brothers. We did enter in to this endeavor with another family so when we get together to paint, or haul off limbs, or spend 2 hours at Home Depot staring at ceiling fans, it’s a lot more fun. I will post some before and after pics soon! We had hoped to move in by Labor Day but I don’t think that’s going to happen. We’ve been painting for a few weeks and are redoing the bathroom and doing new floors before we move in.
When deciding a name for the compound, which is 800 or so sq feet of red + the also-red boathouse, Garrison brought up Terrence from this summer’s Angry Birds movie. The name has sort of stuck! Terrance is on Lake Martin which is less than an hour from where we live. Jeff grew up on this lake so it has been exciting to fix up a place so that our kids will grow up there too!
I hope you all are enjoying your last days of summer, or are easing back in to the school routine like we are! Don’t forget to check out our new designs over at Applique Cafe too! We are still adding a few new ones here and there every week or two!
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