First of all, we reached (and exceeded) 9,000 fans on Facebook this week! I do not know where the fans keep coming from, but I appreciate each and every one of them! We have never done paid advertising (yet!) and we don’t really believe in fan-drive contests. I guess it’s good old word of mouth, my blog, search engines, etc! Anyway, I love to see that number grow and we’re amazed every day that this is our JOB!! Now… here are a couple of cute Monag brand sleeveless dresses I did yesterday. Monag is a great source for blanks! It’s better if you can order wholesale, which means you have to order in bulk to get the best price. Here is the AC Mermaid.
The Flower Flip Flops:
I did quite a bit of work yesterday so that I could take a break over Spring Break and also get my machine serviced! I get asked quite a bit if I take orders. I have also been getting lots of calls and emails lately wanting me to do customer work. I have to say that I do a tiny bit right now. I would LOVE to do more, and I certainly enjoy it. The truth is with 3 kids I have ZERO time these days for much more than keeping up with email, laundry, cooking, errands, my household and 3 kiddies. It’s the season of my life right now which I’m sure you can all relate to!
I think I mentioned in my last post that we had our stairs painted last week as well as our OFFICE/SEWING ROOM (FINALLY!!!)! Here are our stairs “before”. Nothing really wrong with them, but I didn’t like *ALL* of the oak (trim, spindles, handrail, stairs…). The poor painters came to our house 3 mornings in a row at 7:00 AM to paint these stairs. The first time they painted them a stark white, which was TOO white. The 2nd time they painted them to match our trim, but didn’t cover all of the white too well. The 3rd time they did enough coats so that the stairs now match our trim. Before:
Here is “after”. Again, nothing over the top or mind blowing, but definitely BETTER! I wanted to get rid of as much of the oak as I could, so we painted the spindles and handrails and all! It looks a TON better! I think once I put something in the space beneath the stairs (and do our dining room which is to the left and pretty much EMPTY), it’ll look much better and I won’t obsess so much about the stairs.
We also had our office painted, again. We had it painted white when we moved in. If you have read my blog in the past 6 months you know the white drove me crazy.
You can’t tell too much in this photo, but this is the “after”. It’s a nice Benjamin Moore color called Elephant Tusk. The contrast with the white-ish trim is MUCH BETTER!! Again, not Pinterest worthy or anything extravagant but a huge improvement!
Here is my fabric and my valances are being made this week (and/or next). Mainly the floral with the checked in the pleats and maybe some trim. I think they’ll look great and tie in the green and black! I might also recover the chairs in the checked fabric – to be determined!
Lastly, I have to give a shout-out to my homeys! I spent Thurs-Sunday with these girls down in Mexico Beach, FL. We had! It was roughly a 4 hour drive both ways given our stops for lunch, bathroom breaks, etc. We never turned the radio on and didn’t turn a TV on the entire trip! I met all of these girls in college and whenever we get together, we have the most fun! Last year we all went to Charleston and we’re already planning our trip for next year! A few of us are pledge sisters (1993 Phi Mu Troy University). I love these girls and cherish our friendships. We have a way with being *real* with each other and no one cares where you live, where your kids go to school or whether or not your dress came from Target (and not Banana Republic)! Anyway, I miss them and so enjoyed our weekend together. The weather at the beach was incredible too!!
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