Embroidery Supplies For Days!

In my last post I reported that my machine had died and I took her in last Monday to get repaired and serviced. Hooray she is alive! I rode back over to Sewingmachine.com this morning to pick her up. They are located in Atlanta, GA but also have a store in downtown West Point, GA which is about an hour and 10 minutes from my house. I’m listening to Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis via Audible, so it made the drive go by fast. AWESOME book by the way! I still have about 10 chapters left. Anyway, they fixed the rotate error and also serviced her so she’s running like a champ!

Back in the day, I taught a class at Sewingmachine.com but had not been over there in a couple of years. The ladies there are so nice and helpful and I always enjoy going, even if it’s to get my machine fixed! Here are a few photos from today!

They sell more thread that you can ever imagine! Lots of the big 5000M spools, but also some of the 1000M spools. I mainly use Isacord brand which they sell in both sizes.

Here is the Floriani wall… again, more colors than you can ever imagine! Beautiful drool-worthy colors!!

Here is the Isacord 5000M spool wall! Thread for DAYS!! 5000M spools last for a really long time too, so your black and white and colors you will use a lot of, it’s worth it to get the big spool.

Commercial stabilizer = less expensive! Cutaway, tearaway, water soluble, comfort cover (the stuff that you iron on the back of your monogram/embroidery/applique design), and HEAT N BOND LITE by the roll or bolt. They also sell some name brand stabilizers like Floriani, but I mostly use the commercial stuff! Any and every kind of stabilizer….

Pre-cut stabilizers are da bomb!! I know it only takes a second or two to cut off a roll, but grab a pre-cut sheet, hoop and go! I use their waffle weave tearaway AND medium cutaway pre-cut squares. Again, super affordable too!

OK so I don’t do vinyl. I honestly barely understand how it works. BUT… they have racks and racks and racks of vinyl for sale! Look at all the colors! This is just a fraction of what they have!

Stabilizers, thread and all the other stuff you need + HOOPS, hoop and more HOOPS. These are the Mighty (magnetic) Hoops and also the Durkee Hoops. They come in all shapes and sizes! I have the 9×9 and 6×6 Durkee hoops plus the Durkee Cap Hoop. I also have 2 of the Mighty Hoops which I LOVE!

I have a Brother PR650 6-needle in case you are new! I’ve had it for about 7 years, but I keep it serviced and CLEAN so it still has a lot of life left in it! If you are in the Alabama/Georgia line or Atlanta area, check out Sewingmachine.com OR order online! If you have any questions about what I use, just email me at rosemarygulledge@appliquecafe.com!

Still here…..

I got an email from my husband today. He noticed recently that I had not posted anything here since May.
Then he typed up a few paragraphs for me to post!! Yay! I also just approved a few recent comments and one was “I don’t even know if you still have this blog….” LOL
When school started over a month ago I was thinking ‘we finally get to slow down from being on the go all summer’.  I am now realizing I had completely forgotten about all the activities that come with school and fall!  I never considered football practice, Monday night football games, weekly soccer clinic, Wednesday night church activities, volleyball practice, Saturday morning volleyball games, homework or helping kids study. Sigh. Throw all of this in with the normal work week (still have my side hustle 3 days a week) and it is no wonder I feel like a walking Zombie by Wednesday. While it is a lot of fun watching my kids in each of their activities, it is by no means a “slow down”. Did I mention I was down for the count Saturday with a stomach virus? I’m still recovering from that one.
First day of school 2017: Garrison 5th, Mallory 4th and Browder 8th
My oldest made his debut as a kicker last night at his 2nd middle school football game.  This is a big deal because he is the first Gulledge in multiple generations to strap on the gear and get on the field.  Neither Jeff or his dad ever played football.  Browder has been a soccer player since the age of 4 and has been working very hard on his football kicking, so it was great to see him get the opportunity to play {for 3 seconds}! He has mastered the “hands on hip” stance. p.s. How is he this big? Photo creds to my friend Karen who actually brought a real camera to football. 
We lost the game but it was fun seeing him finally play!
In Applique Cafe news…
Halloween will be here before you know it so be sure to check out our fall Halloween and Thanksgiving designs. We have listed a bunch of new Vintage Stitch (aka Bean Stitch aka Redwork Stitch) designs which are super easy and require no fabric. I always use a water soluble stabilizer on top when doing these designs. It helps the shirt not to pucker. Check out a blog post I did a while back on Vintage or Simple Stitch Designs – click HERE. Here are some pics of our recent designs:
The above is a shirt I did for a precious little sister who’s big brother plays with Browder. He’s #13. How cute is that!
Have a great week!

Monogramming Waffle Weave Stuff

Back in February I did a blog post reviewing a Craftsy class I did on monogramming textured items. You can go back and review it HERE if you missed it! Today I’m monogramming 7 lavender waffle weave short robes which are bridesmaids’ gifts. If you’ve ever monogrammed waffle weave, you know that sometimes your monogram can turn out a little “waffley”. Yes, all those little squares can show up in your monogram. I’ve done it in the past and ended up running the monogram twice just to get a pretty result. One thing I learned in the Craftsy class I mentioned on monogramming textured items (terry cloth, towels, waffle weave, etc.) is that it’s best to 1) use a water soluble topper on top and 2) apply an underlay stitch underneath your monogram. I use Monogram Wizard Plus (Master Circle font shown) and there is an option to add underlay, which is extra stitching beneath your letters which helps the monogram stay on top of the texture and turn out pretty! It takes a little longer (these are averaging 18 minutes each at 4.25″ tall) but the result is worth it. Adding underlay adds a few thousand stitches to my particular monograms. Note: I used a waffle weave tearaway stabilizer on bottom.

Here is what the underlay stitch looks like:


Here is the finished product! Both are the same color robe by the way … lighting! See how nicely the monogram lays on top?

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I wanted to share this because this is what I’m working on today, and because CRAFTSY is having a 50% off top classes sale through tomorrow (Saturday, 4/23). Here is my affiliate link if you want to check out any of their classes – click HERE. I’ve reviewed several on my blog and have found them all fun to watch and very helpful! Just search Craftsy or click on the Craftsy tag.

Have a great weekend!